
blog's first post (and homework...)!!!

welcome to the FYI blog! check here for updates, homework, news, links, etc. speaking of homework, the assignment is:
-post a comment, explaining what you learned about filipino identity/your identity from the exercises during our last class. if you weren't in class, discuss what you'd like to learn about filipino identity/your identity in the coming classes.


Anonymous said...

YAYY first comment.. lol

i learned that sumthings we do that are normal to us can sometimes be relly wierd to other non filipino pepl...

umm idk how long my comment has to be?

Rachel V said...

Boo, I wanted to be first...
Anyway, I learned that stereotypes can be funny but also really ridiculous. It's really funny when people assume a certain race or ethnicity is suppose to act or look a certain way because of what's being generalized through stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

I learned more about how other non filipinos and some white washed filipinos can stereotype. Especially from the experiences other classmates shared was interesting because they all were the same kind of experiences each other had. :]

Anonymous said...

aww...now im sad that i missed last weekend =(

wat did we learn ?^_^?


Anonymous said...

hey >.< waz up.

yea...dont know wat we learned....so yeah. see yah sunday

Anonymous said...

I learned that our things we do arent normal to other people, but to us its is. And that when sometimes thinking of what we heard for a stereotype its difficult(for me) to think of some.